photo by Александр Антощенко
Do you need Russian for your further education or are you planning to live and/or work in Russia?
Is your dream to read Russian literature or are you doing it purely out of interest?
Join us and we shall teach you!

People from different countries, of different age groups, with different interests and from different backgrounds have been coming to study Russian in CIEP

Our programs are tailour-made to suit various language learning purposes.

Choose a suitable program and come to study Russian in Russia.
If you choose to come to Akademgorodok, you will study in a unique place the heart of scientific Siberia.

Even if you can not come, we can still teach you online!

  • in 1989

    the first course of Russian as a Foreign Language were held in NSU
  • over 2000
    from all over the world have studied at our center
  • over 14
    of Russian as a Foreign Language


  • Flexible program
    In order for all our students to be able to achieve their educational goals, our teachers are always ready to adjust the program and to select the most appropriate learning materials to suit the needs and interests of all group members.
    The latter is true for various grammar aspects as well as topics for discussion.
  • Akademgorodok
    Did you know that Akademgorodok is a suburb of Novosibirsk which was specially created for scientific research and developing Russian science behind the Ural mountains?
    It was founded in 1957 in the midst of Siberian forest zone.
    Akademgorodok is home to more than 20 research institutes and one of the best universities in Russia.
    NSU graduates are now working in various professional fields all over the world.
    Learn more about Akademgorodok →
  • Highly-qualified experienced teachers
    All members of our teaching staff have extensive experience of teaching Russian as a foreign language. Notwithstanding that fact, they use every opportunity to master their professional skills by attending national and international conferences, professional workshops and training courses.
    Many of them have taught Russian in foreign schools and Universities, have an excellent command of one or several foreign languages and have contributed to writing textbooks on learning Russian as a foreign language.
  • OUR Own library
    Our students have access not only to the university library, but also to our own collection comprising more than 800 types of textbooks on Russian as a foreign language, designed for all levels of language proficiency, various aspects and purposes of study. In addition, our teachers use their own purpose-designed learning resources to make their lessons more effective, such as tables, presentations, exercises, texts, audio and video materials.
  • Cultural and language support
    Russian learners at CIEP enjoy a lively atmosphere of student life due to a large variety of events organised for them both at the university and off-campus.
    Our centre holds regular Russian Club → meetings on a weekly basis, which provide an excellent opportunity for all students to find new friends and to receive the necessary language or cultural help.
    We also organize monthly excursions, trips to the theatre, sport and recreational activities during the academic year. Our Summer school boasts even a more varied and intensive cultural program created to please all sorts of tastes and interests.
  • 24/7 support
    Foreign students of our University can count on the 24/7 support from the International department of NSU. Each student is provided with necessary advice and assistance in preparing and registering all the necessary documents on arrival. The University then continues to assist in resolving all kinds of difficulties, should this necessity arise, throughout the whole period of stay of its overseas students. More information →
    To help our new-coming students adapt, we organise a tour around Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok and the university campus at the beginning of each course.


For people who are determined to learn all about Russian language and culture we offer a variety of options.
If you want to pursue higher education degree in NSU this course will help you to learn Russian and prepare for the exams.
Spend 4 weeks in the heart of Siberia. We have hot summer, beautiful nature, and intensive cultural program.