Entrance tests are usually held from 16 to 25 July. The
schedule of exams and consultations is usually posted on the NSU website after June, 1st.
You can sit your admissions exams in person or online, the latter option presupposing the
proctoring procedure. To prepare for online exams, we advise that you read the
instructions prior to taking a test.
There are
model assignments in various subjects available to help you in your preparation for exams.
In order for your application to be considered for the selection procedure, you need to score at least the
required minimum for each subject. If you score less than the
minimum number of points in at least one of the subjects, you will not be able to participate in the academic competition for the chosen field of study.
To find out more about the
passing grade for each department, you can search our website for the admission criteria for previous years at various faculties.
A passing grade is the minimum total score of the tests in three subjects which was sufficient for being admitted to the University in previous years. As a rule, the passing grade increases every year, so your score should exceed the required scores of your predecessors. In order to avoid confusion, you will need to focus on the passing grades for fee-based places.